Dalmatian Dogs

Seeing spots? They don't come any more "spotted" than this! Many have stopped to stare in awe of this gorgeous breed and its famous spots. Well known for it's fire hall duties, and made very famous by Disney's 101 Dalmatians, this breed has been around for centuries. Of Croatian descent, the breed was used as a sentry to warn against invasion by neighboring Turkey. The breed traveled to Dalmatia, a region of Croatia located along the Adriatic Sea, and has since become popular throughout Europe for herding livestock, guarding home and hearth, and controlling vermin populations. This breed has since found its way into the hearts and homes of North Americans. Naturally intelligent, energetic, athleticism, agile and graceful, the Dalmatian excels in agility, obedience, conformation, search and rescue and pet therapy, as well as making a loyal, affectionate and lively family companion.
Dalmatian puppies are born white, and develop their trademark black spots as they mature. In Croatian lore we say that the Dalmatian’s spots symbolize the 1,185 islands we have in Croatia.
Good links on this subject....
www.acacanines.com - American Canine Association
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